These free publications & videos can help answer many of your questions about building wetlands.

Vernal Pool Landowner Management Guide
The Vernal Pool Management Landowner Guide by the Upper Susquehanna Coalition provides tips for increasing habitat value of vernal ponds.

British Columbia Wildlife Federation Wetland Restoration Brochure
A brochure regarding the unique opportunities available to landowners to become wetland stewards on their property. Highlights low maintenance and cost-effective ways to encourage healthy, natural ecosystems.

Evaluation of Created Wetlands as Amphibian Habitat on a Reforested Surface Mine
Wetlands created within disturbed landscapes may be an important key to restoring lost ecosystem functions. Reclaimed mines provide an opportunity to create wetlands and restore natural features within a disturbed landscape while benefiting amphibians, a taxa affected by habitat loss.

Climate Change and Wetlands on the Colorado Plateau: Rebuilding Ephemeral Wetlands to Withstand a Drier Future
This educational poster tells the story of Duck Lake, a 55-acre ephemeral wetland on the Williams Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest. It demonstrates how natural wetlands impacted by the construction of deep ponds and ditches can be rebuilt to better withstand the effects of climate change. Repaired wetlands can increase the quantity and quality of water available to wildlife.

Construct a Healthy Wetland – Destroy Mosquitoes
This bulletin was designed to dispel the myth of mosquitoes and wetlands. The information reveals the real mosquito breeding grounds. It further details how wetlands are the natural defense against this common disease vector.

Ecologically Sound Mosquito Management in Wetlands
Mosquitoes are a natural part of wetland ecology, and form a central component of the food web that supports a rich wildlife community.

The Beaver Restoration Guidebook
This publication discusses working with beavers to restore streams, wetlands, and floodplains. Authored by: US Fish and Wildlife Service, Janine Castro, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Michael Pollock and Chris Jordan, Portland State University, Gregory Lewallen, US Forest Service, Kent Woodruff.

Helping A Famous Frog Go the Distance
An article authored by Anne Bolen, regarding wetland construction efforts to benefit California’s Red-Legged Frog. This article was published in the National Wildlife Federation Magazine.

Signs of Drained Wetlands
Tom’s guide to identifying drained wetlands. The PDF lists over 50 different signs that wetlands have been drained on the landscape.

Restoration of Forests, Grasslands, and Wetlands Damaged by Off-Highway Vehicles
The purpose of this guide is to provide information on recognizing damage caused by Off-Highway Vehicles (OHV) to ecosystems. It also provides information on how to restore ecosystems.

Cadmus Wetland Project, Ohio
See how wetlands appear 19-years after they were constructed on the Wayne National Forest in Ohio

Replenish: Bringing Back the Dillon Creek Wetland
Wetland Restoration Specialist Miranda Cross describes how a community restored wetlands on Cortes Island in British Columbia
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