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  • Wetland Drainage, Restoration, and Repair Book Tom Biebighauser

    Wetland Drainage, Restoration, and Repair

    Wetlands are a vital part of the landscape and ecology of the United States, providing food and shelter for species ranging from the beautiful wood duck to the tiny fairy shrimp. These areas provide critical habitat for fish and wildlife, protect communities from flooding, and recharge groundwater supplies―yet they continue to be destroyed at an alarming rate. A detailed analysis of wetlands management, Wetland Drainage, Restoration, and Repair is a comprehensive guide to the past, present, and future of wetland recovery in the United States. The book includes a historical overview of wetland destruction and repair over the past two hundred years and also serves as a unique resource for anyone, from novice to engineer, interested in the process of wetland restoration. Author Thomas R. Biebighauser draws from his own vast experience in building and repairing more than 2,800-wetlands across North America. Included are numerous photographs and case studies that highlight successes of past projects. Detailed, step-by-step instructions guide the reader through the planning and implementation of each restoration action. Biebighauser also provides a number of effective strategies for initiating and improving funding for wetlands programs. Wetland Drainage, Restoration, and Repair is essential reading for all who care about and for these important ecosystems.

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  • Wetland Restoration and Construction Book - Tom Biebighauser 1

    Wetland Restoration and Construction -A Technical Guide

    Describes in detail practices developed by the author to successfully restore over 2,800 wetlands in 26 states and three Canadian provinces. Discover how to build wetlands that look and function like natural ecosystems for a fraction of the cost of compensatory mitigation projects. Learn how to repair wetlands that have failed, and how unattractive, constructed ponds can be transformed into beautiful, self-sustaining wetland habitats. Clear, logical step-by-step instructions explain how to design and establish naturally-appearing wetlands for wildlife and fish habitat, cleaning run-off, recharging groundwater, and preventing flooding. Over 590 detailed drawings and photographs illustrate highly effective techniques used for restoring surface and groundwater wetlands. Please send an email to if you would like information on ordering larger quantities of Wetland Restoration and Construction-A Technical Guide 3rd-edition. We’re willing to ship these books anywhere in the world.

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